SparkFun LilyPad E-textile Basics Lab Pack - 10 Student Bundle
This is the E-textile Basics Lab Pack, a basic wearables learning kit that can easily get you and a group of peers or students into the the world of e-textiles without having to deal with any programming or code. With this kit you will be able to learn how to sew in a variety of LEDs and other basic electronics into any fabric, power them, and make them twinkle within a few minutes!
SparkFun packages everything educators need to get started with this platform in a number of varieties that fit different classroom settings and populations. The hardware boards, thread, needles, batteries and extra parts come pre-packaged for your convenience. This specific Lab Pack includes everything for up to 10 people need to start sewing some color into different articles of clothing.
The LabPacks are SparkFun’s classroom entry point. By combining our LilyPad and E-textile tutorials with support materials SparkFun brings all the power of the open-source community to the classroom.